
New Classroom Building!

  • NEW Classroom Building!

  • Aleph Bet Preschool & Kindergarten is in the final stages of purchasing and installing a New Classroom Building!

    Thank G-d, we have undertaken this new stage in our growth, and are excited to create much needed classroom space for our growing community and school!

    You can be the Fuel as we continue shining the Light!

  • Dedication Opportunities

  • Building Dedication and Naming - $300,000

    Classroom Dedication x3 - $80,000

    Office Dedication - $50,000

    Entry Dedication - $18,000

    Mezuzah Dedication x 5 - $2,000

    Aleph Bet Wall - Sponsor a Letter - $5,400

    Furnish a Classroom - $8,000

    Art Supplies Sponsor - $1,800

    Parsha Sponsor - $1,000

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