
Friday Pizza Lunch

  • Aleph Bet's Friday Pizza Lunch

  • Pizza Lunch Orders at Aleph Bet MUST be in by this Thursday 1:00pm, to be served Pizza this Friday.

    This Pizza Lunch order is for the entire year. 

    WE WILL NOT Order a Pizza Lunch for your child if the order and payment are not placed online on time - by 1:00pm Thursday.

    Cost per lunch: $5
    Lunch includes one double sliced Pizza and a vegetable/fruit

  • As always, please contact us with any questions!
    Rabbi Dov - [email protected] | 602.793.0152
    Aleph Bet Office - [email protected] |  602.944.2580

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    If Payment is not submitted on time, your child will NOT receive Pizza.
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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